Programs & Products

שועלי ממון – Pitch Time

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יקר ובטוח או זול ולא בהכרח מזיק ?

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Kahol Lavan

כחול לבן – תוכנית חינוכית ארצית תוכנית חינוכית ערכית בבתי ספר בכל רחבי הארץ, בהובלת מכון יעדים ומטעם משרד הכלכלה והתעשייה, מטה כחול לבן. התוכנית כוללת סדנאות אינטראקטיביות חווייתיות המשלבות לימוד […]Read more

תוצאות הסקרים

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זכותי להוביל – מפגש מתוקשב

זכותי להוביל – מפגש מתוקשב   בשעה זו יושבים במקביל ילדים מקבוצות רבות של “זכותי להוביל” – מנהיגים צעירים כמוכם, ומקיימים דיונים משותפים בנושא זכויות הילדים ויכולתם להשפיע. כולנו מביעים את […]Read more

ילדה נואמת על איכות הסביבה

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Hafalomedia – a media system for group activities on sites

Developed for: Yeadim Institute The “Hafalomedia” program is a methodological program intended for heritage sites, museums, and for any site where tours and visits of various groups are held concerning […]Read more

A master plan for setting up a museal park for the game and collecting culture in Israel

Developed for: The Israel Association of Community Centers Yeadim Institute has assisted The Israel Association of Community Centers in developing a program for setting up a park and museum engaged […]Read more

“Path of light” program

Developed for: the Israel Electric Company in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Union of Local Authorities. The Path of Light is an educational program that encourages cultural […]Read more

זכותי להוביל – מנהיגות צעירה יישובית, משפיעה, יוזמת ומחוללת שינוי

פותחה עבור: מכון יעדים בשיתוף משרד החינוך ורשויות מקומיות. התוכנית עוסקת בבניית קהילת מנהיגות צעירה יוזמת ומחוללת שינוי בעולם הילדים ביישוב. קהילה מובילה זו תעבוד בשיתוף פעולה הדוק עם הרשות […]Read more

Masa , a once in a lifetime experience

Developed for: “Masa” company An educational-marketable workshop kit for transmitting “Masa”s messages – a project shared with the Israeli government and the Jewish Agency, for becoming acquainted with the project. […]Read more

Mobile laboratories for developing mathematical thinking and computers

Developed for: Ofanim non-profit organization. Yeadim Institute has developed for the organization programs for expanding information and skills in the fields of mathematical thinking and computers for children of weak […]Read more

Youth and young people wing in Beer Sheva, and Center for Culture, Art and Communication

Developed for: Beer Sheva Municipality Yeadim Institute has developed a program for establishing a youth and young people wing in the Beer Sheva municipality. Following the investigation and the organizational-educational […]Read more

Welcome the tourist and the site

Developed for: the Ministry of Tourism Yeadim Institute has developed an educational program for tourism, combining tourism for education at the state level and at the level of enhancing the […]Read more

Rabin Square – a site as a visual text

Developed for: (Taglit) BirthRight Israel Modular activity for a guided tour in the Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. The program comprises four tour stations: the city square, the speakers’ stage […]Read more

Ecological challenge park at Timna

Developed for:  Haagam Haneelam Timna Ltd. Yeadim Institute has formulated a program for establishing an experiencing, ecological, challenge park at Timna, which includes challenge and survival activities. Yeadim Institute has […]Read more

The Essence of Life – Come Together

Developed for: Essence of life – Shari Arison Yeadim Institute was requested to develop an internet sites infrastructure for “Essence of Life” and “Come Together”.  In this context information banks […]Read more

Tel Aviv Municipality’s reorganization program

Developed for: Tel Aviv municipality Yeadim Institute designed a marathon for checking processes of change and reorganization for the education administration in the Tel Aviv municipality, as part of methodological […]Read more

Methodopedia – encyclopedia for guideline and training methods.

Developed in collaboration with:, Ministry of Education, The Israel Association of Community Centers and Mofet Institute, produced by “Yediot Achronot – Hemed Books”. The Methodopedia is the first collection of […]Read more

Hafalopedia – encyclopedia for social-cultural activity

      Developed for: The Israel Association of Community Centers, Ministry of Education, Kibbutz Movement, KKL, Jewish Agency and the IDF, produced by “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books”. An […]Read more

The Hafalotaf – encyclopedia for social activity for the family and infants

Developed for: The Israel Association of Community Centers and the Ministry of Education, produced by “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books”. An encyclopedia for activating infants and the family. Developed following […]Read more

OPPTALK – Smart talking games

Developed for: Glob International The series of Opptalk is a series of games comprising about 100 games for developing skills of children aged 3 to 8. The games are based […]Read more

The Enchanted Island

An evil witch has cast a spell on the island and imprisoned its princess. Courageous adventurers are requested to rescue her…an exciting strategy, planning and deliberation game for the entire […]Read more

A journey in the Land of Light

Developed for: Essence of Life – Shari Arison. A story by Dalia Stenzler. The book describes a child’s journey of self awareness. This is a game book comprising an opening […]Read more

Fair Play

A unique card and board game for the entire family which reconstructs the experience of a visit to the fun fair, while using thought and strategy processes together with luck […]Read more

Activating table mats

Developed for: Ministry of Education The table mats are designed for festivals, including activating games, fun games and information on the subject.The festivals, for which the mats have been developed […]Read more

Pranks in the neighborhood or when mom was little

Published by “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books”. A book by Dalia Stanzler aimed at children and youth, composed from a collection of humorist life stories and documenting the author’s childhood […]Read more

Talking community

Developed for: The Israel Association of Community Centers’ Community Schools Management, produced by “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books”. The book was written in celebration of 25 years of the Community […]Read more


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