Hafalopedia – encyclopedia for social-cultural activity

      Developed for: The Israel Association of Community Centers, Ministry of Education, Kibbutz Movement, KKL, Jewish Agency and the IDF, produced by “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books”. An encyclopedia for social activity, documenting group social-cultural activities, has been developed for The Israel Association of Community Centers under the vision and leadership of Prof. Dov Goldberger. The Hafalopedia is a national project, numbering 12 volumes (about 400 pages per volume) on various subjects: festivals, and holidays in Israel, group activity, leadership, quality of environment, nature activities, culture and values, and more. The Hafalopedia is a product of cooperation between numerous bodies: Ministry of Education, IDF, Jewish Agency, KKL, Kibbutz Movement, youth movements, and more. For the purpose of collecting tens of thousands of activities, their processing, and development of new activities, the Yeadim Institute was assisted by hundreds of investigators, developers and scientific consultants in collaboration with the academia. “Yediot Ahronot – Hemed Books” took upon themselves to produce the Hafalopedia which was also awarded a launching at the Israeli President’s residence, and was acquired by the Teachers Union for all the teachers in the country. The Hafalopedia is found today in virtually every school, as a teacher’s work tool; in almost every army base; is held by emissaries and guides, and represents the central tool for informal education. The Hafalopedia contains a volume in Arabic with activities for Christian, Muslim and Druze festivals.

Excerpts of the product also appear in the following languages: English, Russian and German.

Appreciation event for the Hafalopedia at the former President Ezer Weizman’s House. In the pictures: Mrs. Reuma Weizman – First Lady, Dovi Eichenwald – CEO of Yediot Books, Prof. Dov Goldberger – CEO of IACC, Dalia Stenzler – CEO of “Yeadim LTD”, Hadas Feuershtein – Executive Vice President of “Yeadim LTD”, Hafalopedia staff of “Yeadim LTD”.









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